
Y-Type High Pressure Angle Valve
Y-Type High Pressure Angle Valve 첫번째 상세이미지 썸네일

Y-Type High Pressure Angle Valve
Typical Application
- Used as a dead space free block valves for high viscosity products or abrasive slurries, especially in combination with high pressures and high temperatures.

- Refinery, chemical, polymer & petrochemical

- 4" ~ 20" (Above 20" also available as customer request)

- ANSI 150# ~ 2500#
Products Info
Technical & General Information

Extended stuffing box to eliminate dead space and to improve stem alignment is standard

The live loaded packing arrangement included as a standard

Seat Position in body is optimized to minimize pressure drop and eliminate retention areas

Piston is contoured for smooth flow and to eliminate retention areas

Y-Globe Valve is also designed both Ram type and Disc type